Saturday, January 25, 2014

Never lose track of who you are and what you plan to achieve in life. Stay true to yourself and make the right decisions.

Our biggest problem that we have when trying to pursue our dreams is letting our emotions get in the way. Sometimes we hold on to a problem too long and the emotions we encounter from it makes the challenge much worse than what it actually is. We all make bad decisions in life and that is completely o k! You need to experience failure in order to gain more strength for your self. The fight isn't about taking a punch, its about getting up when you have been beaten down. The most important thing is not letting the wrong decisions choose our path in life, instead we need to embrace those issues and allow ourselves to grow from them. Dig deep and take control of your emotions by making the right decisions for yourself. A good way to help is to take 5 minutes out of your 24 hour day and visualize the person you want to be. Keep that image not only in your mind but also in your heart. The longer we listen to our own unique rhythm and visualize the person we foresee the more that image becomes reality! My advice to you is next time a problem comes along your way give it a positive meaning to reflect on. Giving yourself more positive meanings towards life's issues will certainly increase the growth of your positive emotions and with those emotions you will soon see that sky is the limit for anything you want to achieve. So dream big and climb even higher!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

"Great memories can help live a great day and dreaming about tomorrow will you do it in a positive way"

Always keep your greatest memories close to your heart. Reminiscing about your greatest moments in life can be the perfect medication to get you through the days when you are feeling down and out. Not only will it give you a genuine smile, but also provide you with that little spark you need to change your day for the positive way. So my thoughts are take time to create some wonderful memories for your self, for they will help you live a life of pure happiness. In the words of Ferris Bueller  "Life moves by pretty fast. If you don't stop and take a look around every once in while, you could miss it". 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Cherish your greatest memories and begin a Happy New Year.

Taking time to reminisce about all the good memories you had throughout this past year can really help with future optimism. Everybody has New Year's resolutions but how often do we follow through with them? It's easy to set a goal but its even easier to get distracted by something that would disrupt you from accomplishing the achievement. Of course you're going to have problems along the way and you will occur a lot of pain as well but I guarantee you will gain so much more by getting through it all. Experiencing the hardship and taking in the knowledge you learned from it all is the true reason of what makes you stronger as person. So take the negatives and turn them into positives and watch yourself grow as person you thought you never could be. As I see it we should all cherish our own pain because
when that pain is defeated it will give us the greatest  memory we will never forget!    -CH